April 11, 2024

Daddy Daddy Daughter Bookworms Review & Dive w/ Ms. Glynnis "Hello Universe" by Erin Entrada Kelly (Author) & Isabel Roxas (Illustrator)

Daddy Daddy Daughter Bookworms Review & Dive w/ Ms. Glynnis

Have you ever let a book's ending determine whether you'll read it through to the last page? Our conversation with the insightful Ms. Glynnis brings this unusual reading strategy to light, as we celebrate National Library Week with a journey through Erin Entrada Kelly's "Hello, Universe." Ms. Glynnis, with her deep understanding of storytelling, breaks down this multi-perspective narrative, guiding us through the five-finger retell method. Our exploration doesn't stop there—we delve into the book's heartfelt themes of friendship and acceptance, and ponder the liberating idea that not every book will win over your heart.

Ms. Glenda, a children's librarian with a storied career, from an amusing stint as a bra fitter at Macy's to igniting young imaginations at Sandwick Library, joins us to share her love for literary matchmaking. We weave personal anecdotes with the book's themes—analyzing dreams, confronting bullies, and embracing the beauty of diverse communication styles. Engage with us as we uncover the connections between dreams and reality, and discover how Ms. Glenda's favorite classic, "Harriet the Spy," can inspire your own reading adventures. Our chat is an open invitation to the curious souls seeking the perfect children's book or anyone eager to peek behind the library's curtain.

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00:00 - Children's Book Discussion at Library

09:57 - Book Themes and Points of View

22:59 - Library Life and Book Recommendations


00:00:00.020 --> 00:00:06.035
You're listening to the Daddy Daughter Bookworm sponsored by Care First Training Group, where we talk about children's books.

00:00:06.035 --> 00:00:15.183
Hello, bookworms.

00:00:15.183 --> 00:00:16.027
My name is Lucy.

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And I'm Alex, and today we have a special episode because we are at the library Isn't that right, lucy, mm-hmm?

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And we are celebrating part of National Library Week.

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We have a really good relationship with our librarian and we talked to Ms Glynnis and she helped us pick a book for today, isn't that right?

00:00:38.209 --> 00:00:43.926
Yep, and what's the name of that book, lucy, hello Universe, and who is the author?

00:00:44.226 --> 00:00:48.375
The author is Aaron Entrada Kelly.

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And who is the publisher?

00:00:51.966 --> 00:00:54.953
It's published by Greenwell Books out of New York City.

00:00:55.841 --> 00:01:09.930
Well, we're doing something a little different today, because we actually have Miss Glynnis here, who's the librarian, and we do have some people in the audience, but Miss Glynnis was nice enough to tell us not everybody might have read the book, right, Miss Glynnis?

00:01:11.055 --> 00:01:11.516
That's true.

00:01:11.516 --> 00:01:13.742
Not everybody have read the book.

00:01:13.742 --> 00:01:17.269
I read this book a long time ago, so I didn't get refreshed too.

00:01:17.871 --> 00:01:22.548
And you have a special way of kind of retelling the story, isn't that right?

00:01:22.989 --> 00:01:23.370
I do.

00:01:23.370 --> 00:01:25.254
We're going to do a five-finger retell.

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00:01:25.962 --> 00:01:28.730
Well, why don't you walk us through a five-finger retell?

00:01:28.730 --> 00:01:30.403
Well, you've got five fingers.

00:01:30.784 --> 00:01:39.055
and there's five basic things we need to know about the book and this works for pretty much any book, mostly fiction.

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You might have to tweak it a little for nonfiction.

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And first one is the setting, then the characters, the problem, some events that happen in the book and the solution.

00:01:49.043 --> 00:01:55.534
Um so the setting of the book is well.

00:01:55.534 --> 00:02:05.245
Most of the most of the action happened in this book in one day, right after school ends is the first day of summer vacation, so that's the time when most of it happened.

00:02:05.245 --> 00:02:10.252
But most of the action happened in the woods and in the well.

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And then we have our characters.

00:02:13.181 --> 00:02:18.393
This book is interesting because it's from different characters' point of view.

00:02:18.393 --> 00:02:29.205
It's from Virgil's point of view, valencia, kenori, jen and Chet those are the points of view.

00:02:29.205 --> 00:02:38.294
And it's also interesting because most of those are the universal narrator, where the narrator is up there somewhere and they know what everybody's thinking.

00:02:38.294 --> 00:02:41.868
But Valencia is in the first person.

00:02:41.868 --> 00:02:46.020
Valencia is talking directly to us, so we only know what Valencia is thinking.

00:02:46.360 --> 00:02:49.550
Oh, really, is that different than other books that you usually read?

00:02:50.341 --> 00:02:52.043
You don't usually have two different points of view.

00:02:52.043 --> 00:03:00.873
I've read many books where you have different characters telling us what's going on, but you either have the first person or the third.

00:03:00.873 --> 00:03:04.425
You don't really mix them up, right, and that's interesting.

00:03:04.425 --> 00:03:07.944
So you know exactly what she's thinking.

00:03:08.224 --> 00:03:12.674
I do want to ask Lucy a question what type of genre is this, Lucy?

00:03:12.979 --> 00:03:16.528
It's a chapter book for upper elementary and middle school aged readers.

00:03:16.528 --> 00:03:21.805
There are illustrations by Isabel Roxas at the introduction of every chapter.

00:03:22.545 --> 00:03:25.890
Okay, and did we get through all five fingers, or did I miss one?

00:03:25.890 --> 00:03:27.935
Oh, we only got through two.

00:03:27.935 --> 00:03:30.427
Oh, my gosh, I can't even count today, I'm sorry.

00:03:30.427 --> 00:03:34.199
So let's get to number three, number three is the problem of the book.

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The problem of the book is that Chet, who's not nice and they tell us sometimes why he's not nice, Doesn't change the fact that he's not nice and he's not likable.

00:03:48.150 --> 00:03:49.725
But we understand why.

00:03:49.725 --> 00:04:02.510
The problem is that Chet has thrown Virgil's backpack down an empty well, which generally wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that who's inside the backpack?

00:04:02.510 --> 00:04:02.711

00:04:03.641 --> 00:04:07.887
A guinea pig and his name is Gulliver, his pet guinea pig Gulliver.

00:04:08.539 --> 00:04:16.387
So he goes down into the well after it, and then there's a ladder going down but doesn't go all the way down, so he jumps down.

00:04:16.387 --> 00:04:22.286
But then, when he jumps down, he finds out that he's not tall enough to himself for us to get back out.

00:04:22.286 --> 00:04:25.331
So that's the problem, okay, and there's the problem.

00:04:25.512 --> 00:04:51.391
And there's different events in the book, beginning the middle and the end, where in the beginning we meet all the characters and then in the middle we meet in the woods and this happens, and then they talk about how he coped when he was in that well, because can you imagine how that's going to feel when you're down in the wells?

00:04:51.391 --> 00:04:58.213
And then the solution question is how, um the girls were able to get him out.

00:04:58.213 --> 00:05:06.541
It's really the story of the being beginning of the friendship, because all these people, they kind of knew each other but they weren't really friends.

00:05:06.541 --> 00:05:16.610
You know, you like people that, maybe somebody in another um class in your grade that you see, or somebody on the bus that gets off a stop or two ahead of you.

00:05:16.610 --> 00:05:18.423
You know them, but you're not really friends.

00:05:18.423 --> 00:05:21.069
This is the story of how they became friends.

00:05:21.069 --> 00:05:24.802
I'm not going to tell you the solution, just in case you want to read.

00:05:25.343 --> 00:05:29.427
Of course, that's the whole best part of it, right you?

00:05:29.447 --> 00:05:30.829
see I were talking about.

00:05:30.829 --> 00:05:37.055
Sometimes books get really long and it's okay if you don't like the book, If you don't like it, as long as you give it a couple of chapters.

00:05:37.055 --> 00:05:39.137
Every book is not for everybody.

00:05:39.137 --> 00:05:41.827
Sometimes you see the cover and you think it is, and it's not.

00:05:41.827 --> 00:05:43.766
It happens to me too sometimes.

00:05:43.766 --> 00:05:45.401
Can I tell you a secret?

00:05:45.721 --> 00:05:51.781
sure, sometimes I read the end of the book oh and then I decide whether I want to get there or not.

00:05:51.781 --> 00:05:57.372
It's if I'm reading a murder, I'm just like, oh you know what, maybe it's okay.

00:05:57.372 --> 00:06:00.264
Then nobody finds out I've murdered you, or okay.

00:06:00.264 --> 00:06:07.307
Sometimes I'll get to the end of the book and I was like, oh my gosh, the butler was his long lost brother.

00:06:07.307 --> 00:06:08.824
And then I have to go back and read it and find out.

00:06:09.004 --> 00:06:09.988
And now it all worked out.

00:06:10.108 --> 00:06:20.646
Yeah, but ever since the Harry Potter books came out, people think that since kids read that big, huge book, that they need to write a huge book.

00:06:20.646 --> 00:06:21.810
You don't need to do that.

00:06:21.810 --> 00:06:27.833
Sometimes I read books and I leave 100 pages off and the whole thing works out perfectly nicely and all tied up in a nice little bow.

00:06:27.833 --> 00:06:30.910
I don't even need to read those 100 pages and that makes me mad.

00:06:30.910 --> 00:06:34.548
I mean it's like really you're wasting my time.

00:06:37.125 --> 00:06:37.687
So don't do that.

00:06:37.687 --> 00:06:45.927
You're definitely, you want to get to the point, and sometimes you don't need to meander all up and down the hill.

00:06:45.927 --> 00:06:47.406
Exactly, exactly.

00:06:47.406 --> 00:06:51.086
So, lucy, when you saw the cover, what did you think about the cover?

00:06:52.581 --> 00:06:54.908
The thing that I noticed at first was the quote.

00:06:54.908 --> 00:06:58.725
Some friendships were meant to be In the beginning of the story.

00:06:58.725 --> 00:07:07.271
The characters do not know each other very well, but I knew from this quote that Virgil and Valencia would become friends.

00:07:07.271 --> 00:07:12.151
Now that I have finished the story, I see what the cover is all about.

00:07:12.151 --> 00:07:14.387
I see Virgil in the darkness.

00:07:14.387 --> 00:07:19.132
I also see Gann and Cowrie and Valencia and Sacred the dog out in the sunshine.

00:07:19.132 --> 00:07:23.910
There's more detail in the cover but I don't want to give too much away.

00:07:24.531 --> 00:07:25.173
Oh aye.

00:07:25.173 --> 00:07:28.985
So, Ms Atlantis, why?

00:07:29.005 --> 00:07:29.987
did you decide?

00:07:30.007 --> 00:07:32.211
to pick this book as a different book.

00:07:36.105 --> 00:07:59.668
This is a book that we read for a book group during the pandemic and it was all virtual and the kids that read it really loved this, and I decided well, you know what, I want to talk about it with actual kids in the room with me, so that's why I picked this one, and another reason was I could get it in paperback.

00:08:00.521 --> 00:08:06.050
Because, I wanted everybody to have one, so sometimes things aren't available.

00:08:06.050 --> 00:08:17.307
This one is available on Hoopla, which is one of our reading apps that you can download onto your phone or your tablet so you can listen to it or you can read it.

00:08:17.307 --> 00:08:19.406
I like to have the option for people to listen.

00:08:19.406 --> 00:08:20.569
It's not everybody.

00:08:20.569 --> 00:08:22.446
Everybody likes a great story.

00:08:22.446 --> 00:08:25.548
Not everybody wants to or is able to read a big story, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have a great story.

00:08:25.548 --> 00:08:28.192
Not everybody wants to or is able to read a big story, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have a big story.

00:08:28.333 --> 00:08:34.931
Well, as someone that is not a huge reader, I've read Harry Potter several times, but I've never actually opened up the book.

00:08:35.780 --> 00:08:40.710
And I want to tell everybody who's listening that audio books are not cheating.

00:08:40.710 --> 00:08:42.801
When you listen to a book.

00:08:42.801 --> 00:08:48.544
You can listen to a book two or three grade levels above your reading level, because you're listening.

00:08:49.225 --> 00:08:50.947
So, Lucy, how did you read this book?

00:08:52.951 --> 00:09:03.326
Well, I was using Audible this time, and it was narrated by Ramon de Uncampo and Amy Lynn Abelera.

00:09:05.131 --> 00:09:06.196
When did you listen to it?

00:09:06.196 --> 00:09:06.899
A lot of the time.

00:09:08.730 --> 00:09:17.404
When I was in bed with my mom and when I was driving up to Brooklyn for Easter.

00:09:18.631 --> 00:09:27.056
Yeah, we were trying to get it under the wire there to make sure that we got all the chapters, because it is a big book, isn't?

00:09:27.076 --> 00:09:27.236

00:09:27.236 --> 00:09:28.280
How many chapters is it?

00:09:28.280 --> 00:09:31.419
There's 42 chapters, but they're short.

00:09:32.932 --> 00:09:40.515
No, I'm just saying it's not so much that, yes, there's 42 chapters, but you have to get through all the chapters and there's a lot that goes on.

00:09:40.515 --> 00:09:47.802
So, lucy, besides the less illustrations than you're used to, it's a more sophisticated book than you've read before, isn't that right?

00:09:48.183 --> 00:09:48.423

00:09:50.611 --> 00:09:51.878
Was that a problem for you?

00:09:53.110 --> 00:09:56.701
Well, it's like one of the other books I've read.

00:09:56.701 --> 00:10:00.038
This book changes points of view every chapter.

00:10:00.038 --> 00:10:08.360
Some chapters are from Virgil's point of view and some are from Valencia's point of view, as well as a few other important characters.

00:10:08.360 --> 00:10:12.441
This was confusing in the second chapter when the person was talking.

00:10:12.441 --> 00:10:14.618
Suddenly it wasn't a boy but a girl.

00:10:14.618 --> 00:10:19.392
But once we got used to it, we noticed the voices changing.

00:10:19.392 --> 00:10:22.240
We got used to the voices changing.

00:10:22.240 --> 00:10:29.985
Listening to the book made it easier to realize the points of view they were, that the points of view were changing.

00:10:30.546 --> 00:10:31.107
It was the.

00:10:31.107 --> 00:10:35.476
Was the bully more sophisticated than you normally used to?

00:10:35.937 --> 00:10:39.424
Yes, he is Okay.

00:10:41.072 --> 00:10:42.418
Did you have any funny moments?

00:10:42.418 --> 00:10:44.154
Yes, I did.

00:10:44.154 --> 00:10:44.658
Yes, I did.

00:10:46.211 --> 00:10:54.482
Yes, because on the book there is a gold seal on this cover.

00:10:54.482 --> 00:10:57.499
I said how could this be a Caldecott book?

00:10:57.499 --> 00:10:59.037
It hardly has any picture.

00:10:59.037 --> 00:11:06.057
And then my mom laughed really loud and said it's because it's not a Caldecott winner, it's a Newbery Award winning book.

00:11:06.057 --> 00:11:14.240
Caldecott winning books are awarded for the best illustrations and Newbery winning books are awarded for the best stories.

00:11:15.770 --> 00:11:17.054
And in our library.

00:11:17.054 --> 00:11:19.971
This book is not from our library, but in our library.

00:11:19.971 --> 00:11:36.681
On the spine, all the Caldecott, newberry, geisel, all the award winners for the American Library Association Awards up here not NYA, I think have a big orange dot on the spine so you can just scan the shelves if you need an award winner.

00:11:37.931 --> 00:11:38.653
So there you go.

00:11:38.653 --> 00:11:40.392
It's an easier way to find those books.

00:11:40.392 --> 00:11:47.496
You know, one of the first themes that came out of the book was the dreams and the nightmares of the characters.

00:11:47.496 --> 00:11:52.558
You know, virgil noticed that the people in his dreams were really strange.

00:11:52.558 --> 00:12:00.961
In real life he knew they were perfectly well in the book as well in the book.

00:12:00.961 --> 00:12:02.270
Have you ever noticed that?

00:12:03.192 --> 00:12:15.558
at first I was certain that I knew the people in my dreams, but they were like mashups, like when my my summer camp randomly took place in the field of my school.

00:12:15.558 --> 00:12:23.259
But after I listened to Virgil talking about the dreams, I did notice that the people in my dreams were strangers to me.

00:12:23.259 --> 00:12:31.565
When I was awake it didn't seem like strange at all when I was with them in my dream that's awesome.

00:12:31.950 --> 00:12:37.322
So can you tell me more about the hard things that Virgil has to tell his parents?

00:12:38.070 --> 00:12:41.129
Virgil really hates that his parents call him Turtle.

00:12:41.129 --> 00:12:47.524
They say that because he's quiet and doesn't want to come out of his shell.

00:12:47.524 --> 00:12:52.341
That means he's very shy and afraid of everything.

00:12:52.341 --> 00:12:59.484
Virgil wants to call them by his name or his nickname, Bayani, which means hero.

00:13:01.070 --> 00:13:02.793
Virgil is fine the way he is.

00:13:02.793 --> 00:13:08.312
I want everybody to know you're fine, you're perfect, you're made who you're supposed to be.

00:13:08.312 --> 00:13:13.613
And if other people don't like that, that's not your problem, that's their problem and they need to get over it.

00:13:13.613 --> 00:13:19.421
And it's hard to tell your parents something like that and I can get how he didn't want to stand up to them.

00:13:19.421 --> 00:13:21.062
But he's perfect.

00:13:21.062 --> 00:13:22.164
He was perfect the way he was.

00:13:22.164 --> 00:13:29.249
He was exactly who he was supposed to be, exactly at the time where he was supposed to be.

00:13:29.249 --> 00:13:29.429
It Right.

00:13:30.238 --> 00:13:36.297
You know it's kind of interesting because in a lot of long strokes that we had had there's always a bully right.

00:13:36.297 --> 00:13:39.457
And this was a different kind of bully, wasn't it?

00:13:39.818 --> 00:13:40.080

00:13:40.730 --> 00:13:50.176
And you really didn't like this bully, mm-hmm, and you don't have to explain what he did, but he used a lot of hurtful words, right, mm-hmm, and you didn't like that, did you?

00:13:50.889 --> 00:13:51.951
No, we talked about that.

00:13:52.110 --> 00:14:05.924
Okay, and that's some of the things that as a kid growing up, we hear these things, and it's great that you know the difference between the hurtful words and the good words.

00:14:05.924 --> 00:14:06.225

00:14:06.225 --> 00:14:08.330
Yep, yep, okay.

00:14:08.451 --> 00:14:12.518
In this book, which is something you don't see in a lot of books about the bully.

00:14:12.518 --> 00:14:19.690
You kind of see why he's the way he is Right bully.

00:14:19.690 --> 00:14:24.910
You kind of see why he's the way he is Because his dad is like oh, people won't respect you if you're weak, or the only way you can get respect is to put other people down or be mean to people.

00:14:24.910 --> 00:14:26.254
That's not cool.

00:14:26.254 --> 00:14:29.500
But he wanted his father to respect him.

00:14:29.500 --> 00:14:34.356
He wanted his father to love him, so he did that and that wasn't cool.

00:14:34.697 --> 00:14:39.034
Now one of the other things in the book, because we've read a couple of different books with bullies in them.

00:14:39.034 --> 00:14:46.440
It seems like some of them are rich and some of them and the people that they're bullying are not so rich.

00:14:46.440 --> 00:14:48.190
Do you think that's like that in real life?

00:14:48.190 --> 00:14:49.573
Do you think always bullies are rich?

00:14:50.395 --> 00:14:50.615

00:14:50.917 --> 00:14:52.220
You think anybody can be a bully?

00:14:52.961 --> 00:14:54.932
Yeah, but you shouldn't be a bully.

00:14:55.014 --> 00:14:57.138
It doesn't matter how much money you have.

00:14:57.138 --> 00:15:11.572
Right, exactly, and I think and I think that's an important point, that that they, that that we talk about, because you know in this particular book, the, the the bully happens to be a certain way, but that's not always the case.

00:15:12.014 --> 00:15:15.159
All right, and always tell how they are by how they look.

00:15:15.360 --> 00:15:15.961

00:15:15.961 --> 00:15:16.802
You can never.

00:15:16.802 --> 00:15:17.464
What is it?

00:15:17.464 --> 00:15:19.642
Judge a book by its cover.

00:15:19.642 --> 00:15:21.115
Judge a book by its cover.

00:15:21.115 --> 00:15:32.104
And that said, valencia had some easy rules to help kids to communicate with her.

00:15:32.104 --> 00:15:33.525
Do you remember any of them?

00:15:33.931 --> 00:15:35.135
Why does she need extra rules?

00:15:35.135 --> 00:15:36.356
What's Valencia's deal?

00:15:37.091 --> 00:15:39.996
She has hearing aids and she needs to.

00:15:39.996 --> 00:15:56.879
Other people need to do a few things to make sure that she can hear them clearly, and those things are you have to face her, don't cover your mouth and speak slowly.

00:15:56.879 --> 00:16:04.177
Even though Valencia has hearing aids, she didn't hear very clearly.

00:16:04.177 --> 00:16:08.910
She had to put lip reading and what she heard together like a puzzle.

00:16:10.432 --> 00:16:13.636
Exactly, and I just want to take a quick second to remind people.

00:16:13.636 --> 00:16:28.356
If you are listening to this, you can always get us on daddydaughterbookwormscom and you can also check us out on all the podcast forums as well as our YouTube channel, and I know we have a live audience here.

00:16:28.356 --> 00:16:40.514
And if anybody had any questions about a specific part of the book, we do have a mic that you can ask a question to Ms Glenis or Lucy, so you can come on up at any time if you'd like.

00:16:40.514 --> 00:16:55.009
But, that said, another theme that comes up in the book is destiny and consequence, and are there any things that or do you think that's true?

00:16:55.009 --> 00:16:57.759
Do you think there is destiny or a consequence?

00:16:57.759 --> 00:17:01.756
I mean, they talk about the fortune teller and Cowrie.

00:17:02.331 --> 00:17:03.562
Yeah, a kid fortune teller.

00:17:04.153 --> 00:17:05.163
A kid fortune teller.

00:17:05.182 --> 00:17:06.894
She thinks she's a fortune teller.

00:17:07.296 --> 00:17:07.877
So funny.

00:17:08.530 --> 00:17:09.232
Do you think she's a?

00:17:09.272 --> 00:17:10.698
fortune teller Lucy Eh.

00:17:12.672 --> 00:17:16.717
I feel like she is, but I also feel like she isn't, so I don't know.

00:17:16.958 --> 00:17:18.571
You don't know, I don't know.

00:17:18.571 --> 00:17:25.041
Maybe she has a little bit of the gift, maybe she needs the confidence to do what needs to be done.

00:17:25.269 --> 00:17:26.334
Sometimes that's all you need.

00:17:27.838 --> 00:17:28.160
I know.

00:17:28.160 --> 00:17:33.300
So, Lucy, is there any other things that we didn't cover?

00:17:33.300 --> 00:17:37.155
Or, Ms Glennis, is there anything else that you'd like to cover about this book?

00:17:37.256 --> 00:17:39.199
so many things oh, there are.

00:17:39.199 --> 00:17:43.951
Okay, I'm sorry but I'm gonna gonna take a while the time.

00:17:43.951 --> 00:17:47.377
Does anybody have questions before?

00:17:47.417 --> 00:17:48.380
I start asking can you come up?

00:17:48.420 --> 00:18:00.734
here you are allowed to keep the book plus mail mail oh, okay, that's an awesome question.

00:18:01.277 --> 00:18:02.239
That's, that's it.

00:18:02.239 --> 00:18:03.240
Uh, what else?

00:18:03.240 --> 00:18:07.632
What else do you have about the book the?

00:18:07.632 --> 00:18:11.594
Well, yes, I know that's one of lucy's favorite parts.

00:18:15.099 --> 00:18:19.839
I found out, well, when I was having cataract surgery that I'm a tight claustrophobic.

00:18:19.839 --> 00:18:20.603

00:18:20.603 --> 00:18:31.287
Yes, it's like they went to drip my face and I freaked out Right and they're like okay, we won't let it touch your face, so the air can go over you.

00:18:31.287 --> 00:18:38.115
And I do find that ever since I was a kid, it's like okay, there's not enough air in here, so I don't know.

00:18:38.115 --> 00:18:38.997
It's like OK, there's not enough air in here.

00:18:38.997 --> 00:18:45.308
So I don't know how wide that well was, but I think that is a part that would have kind of freaked me out.

00:18:45.308 --> 00:18:46.539
It's like not being down in the well.

00:18:46.539 --> 00:18:49.182
It's just like OK, there's not enough air down here.

00:18:49.664 --> 00:18:49.884

00:18:50.394 --> 00:19:00.614
So and you didn't like it and it's probably dark down there and with the lid closed and with the lid closed and with the lid closed.

00:19:00.974 --> 00:19:01.557

00:19:01.557 --> 00:19:04.645
She couldn't hear very well.

00:19:04.645 --> 00:19:10.748
Virgil was in the well and he heard her coming right, Mm-hmm.

00:19:10.748 --> 00:19:13.143
And she sees the well.

00:19:13.143 --> 00:19:20.365
This was a well on the ground, not like the one that you had to with the bucket that you had to crank up.

00:19:20.365 --> 00:19:33.683
It was on the ground so it had a cover and the cover was off of the well, I guess, like a big wooden thing, kind of like a manhole cover type thing, and there were animals in the woods.

00:19:33.683 --> 00:19:38.803
So Valencia goes oh, the cover is off this, well, I'll put it back so the animals don't fall in.

00:19:38.803 --> 00:19:45.576
But she couldn't hear Virgil yelling down the well because she's dead.

00:19:45.576 --> 00:19:50.362
So she put the cover on the well and that would have freaked me out.

00:19:50.362 --> 00:19:52.582
Then I was like, okay, we're done here.

00:19:53.055 --> 00:19:53.938
Absolutely, I'm with you.

00:19:53.938 --> 00:19:56.361
I don't want any covered wells.

00:19:57.479 --> 00:19:58.122
That would have been bad.

00:19:58.122 --> 00:20:00.722
That's when I was like, oh no, what's going to happen.

00:20:00.722 --> 00:20:06.222
That's when I kind of got started to get a little upset, but then it's faster because you need to know how to do it, right?

00:20:06.222 --> 00:20:06.765

00:20:06.765 --> 00:20:22.182
Yes, so this all took place in Lase the beginning of the day, both Virgil and Valencia had appointments with Kaori the fortune teller Virgil didn't show up, valencia did, but they're like hey, he's never late, where is this?

00:20:22.555 --> 00:20:28.766
So they went looking for him and they found Chet in the forest.

00:20:28.766 --> 00:20:29.307
So what happened?

00:20:29.307 --> 00:20:31.121
I remember what happened.

00:20:32.635 --> 00:20:34.523
They heard him screaming because he got beat up by a snake.

00:20:34.523 --> 00:20:37.688
But I don't think it was a snake.

00:20:37.688 --> 00:20:38.799
Well, it was a snake?

00:20:38.819 --> 00:20:41.421
Well, it wasn't a snake and he was probably bothering her anyway.

00:20:41.421 --> 00:20:48.500
So so, and at the end of the story, well, virgil does end up getting out of it.

00:20:48.500 --> 00:20:56.195
Okay, I'm not going to tell you how it happened, but the girls and Virgil just didn't finally have enough of shit.

00:20:56.195 --> 00:21:01.820
They're like you know what we're done with you, and they stood up to him, and sometimes that's all you need to do to a boy.

00:21:01.861 --> 00:21:03.403
It's not easy to do.

00:21:03.502 --> 00:21:05.084
But they had each other.

00:21:05.084 --> 00:21:07.807
So they were like you know what?

00:21:07.807 --> 00:21:09.368
You've been teasing us all school year.

00:21:09.368 --> 00:21:10.569
It's not going to happen again.

00:21:10.569 --> 00:21:15.018
And they stood up to him and he's like, oh okay.

00:21:15.077 --> 00:21:17.242
And he just kind of left left.

00:21:17.242 --> 00:21:19.147
So, lucy, would you recommend this book.

00:21:20.415 --> 00:21:24.887
I would recommend this book for third, third, sixth graders Okay.

00:21:26.458 --> 00:21:29.306
So I mean, I mean thumbs up with it.

00:21:29.306 --> 00:21:30.799
Yeah, I find that it's best.

00:21:31.240 --> 00:21:33.959
Five books and one more.

00:21:33.979 --> 00:21:37.621
One of the worst, and you know me.

00:21:37.641 --> 00:21:41.905
You know me If you don't like it you don't have to like it, it's okay, I know.

00:21:43.915 --> 00:21:44.961
Or do you want to do it at a 10?

00:21:46.596 --> 00:21:47.058
You don't have.

00:21:47.058 --> 00:21:50.240
You like the life of other people, did you like yourself?

00:21:50.540 --> 00:21:51.644
Yes, I did Okay.

00:21:51.644 --> 00:22:00.586
I would probably give it like four, three, four, four and a half.

00:22:02.596 --> 00:22:03.781
You know what I would have liked?

00:22:03.781 --> 00:22:20.090
I would have given it another thumbs up for that the story that Virgil's Lola, his grandma, told I would have liked maybe a little more footnotes or something about them, and because they were stories that I was interested in but I didn't know about Right right.

00:22:20.535 --> 00:22:23.259
So I would like to know more about the folktales.

00:22:26.657 --> 00:22:27.800
Do you have a question, babe?

00:22:27.800 --> 00:22:29.346
Okay, come on, come on.

00:22:31.961 --> 00:22:35.923
Was Virgil or Chet the one who went and fell in the well.

00:22:37.837 --> 00:22:41.186
Okay, Chet moved Virgil's backpack into the well.

00:22:41.916 --> 00:22:45.886
And then Virgil had to get the backpack down the well.

00:22:48.076 --> 00:22:49.381
It's a lot to keep track of.

00:22:49.422 --> 00:22:55.827
Yeah, yeah, it's very confusing if you're just hearing this and you didn't read the book.

00:22:56.859 --> 00:22:57.385
It was a little tricky.

00:22:57.385 --> 00:22:58.153
In the book it was a little tricky.

00:22:58.153 --> 00:23:04.085
I have a sheet.

00:23:04.085 --> 00:23:05.347
Sometimes it's constant.

00:23:06.596 --> 00:23:12.442
This is when I'm going to talk about a book because my brain goes all over and it starts going into left foot.

00:23:12.442 --> 00:23:31.563
I'm the person that you don't want to go to the movies with, because when they're telling a story about what's a good one to talk about oh, let's say, we're watching that you don't want to go to the movies with, because when they're telling the story about what's a good one to tell oh, let's say we're watching, say, charlie and the Chocolate Factory and everything's going on and I was like okay, but is there anything karma-filled?

00:23:32.656 --> 00:23:33.621
Or things like that.

00:23:35.175 --> 00:23:36.019
Just odd things.

00:23:36.019 --> 00:23:38.920
It's like what about grandma and grandpa back at the house?

00:23:38.920 --> 00:23:47.424
And then my friends get horribly annoyed with me because it's like can you not just watch the movie that they're showing you?

00:23:47.424 --> 00:23:48.941
And I can't.

00:23:51.558 --> 00:23:58.003
So, ms Glenda, since we have you here and we have a couple of library questions for you, I'm here.

00:23:58.003 --> 00:23:59.007

00:24:00.076 --> 00:24:02.622
So, so special guest in the back is Miss Jewel from YA.

00:24:02.622 --> 00:24:07.362
Oh, okay, it's by the purple wall, and when you graduate from up here, that's where you're going to go.

00:24:08.144 --> 00:24:09.679
Okay, I didn't realize that.

00:24:09.679 --> 00:24:14.625
Um so, how old have you been a librarian?

00:24:16.156 --> 00:24:18.196
I had the first, my first librarian job.

00:24:18.196 --> 00:24:24.308
Well before my first librarian job, I worked at Macy's and I was a bra fitter, so I had to do reference questions.

00:24:24.308 --> 00:24:25.560
It's like what dress are you wearing?

00:24:25.560 --> 00:24:27.681
You know, what do we need this for?

00:24:27.681 --> 00:24:33.558
And then in 1990, I started working in Sandwick Library and I was the person who put back the books.

00:24:33.558 --> 00:24:36.602
Okay, I loved it Did you.

00:24:36.961 --> 00:24:41.405
Yes, and then I got a master's degree and I started working.

00:24:41.405 --> 00:24:45.328
And then I got promoted to the children's library at Sandwood, okay.

00:24:45.328 --> 00:24:48.892
Then I started working in New Brunswick.

00:24:48.892 --> 00:24:50.212
I worked there for a couple years.

00:24:50.212 --> 00:24:56.247
Not a great fit I like small libraries better than bigger ones but I had to go there and do that before I realized that Right.

00:24:56.247 --> 00:25:00.536
And then I came here in april.

00:25:00.556 --> 00:25:03.762
If I want to say 97, though, lucy, do you have a question for miss glennis?

00:25:04.263 --> 00:25:19.749
yes, um what was your favorite book, like when you were growing up, my favorite book when I was growing up, and this book that if I'm stressed out now and I need to calm down, is Harriet the Spy.

00:25:20.829 --> 00:25:22.932
Oh, really Okay.

00:25:23.655 --> 00:25:28.228
Because I was that kid who was like kind of off to the side, was watching everything.

00:25:28.228 --> 00:25:33.567
I didn't take notes on my neighbors but, I did journal, Right.

00:25:33.567 --> 00:25:34.680
That makes me feel better.

00:25:34.680 --> 00:25:38.705
It's like when I'm in a big room or something I want to be somewhere.

00:25:38.705 --> 00:25:43.162
I'm sitting in that corner over there so I can see what's going on and judge what's going on.

00:25:43.816 --> 00:25:48.487
Why did you pick children's librarian as opposed to?

00:25:48.715 --> 00:25:53.441
It's just where I ended up, and I love children's books, but when I went to family.

00:25:53.461 --> 00:25:54.384
That's where I ended up.

00:25:56.058 --> 00:25:58.846
Oh, okay, so it just worked out.

00:25:58.846 --> 00:26:03.586
If you're a little person, even if you're a big person, you want to get a just right book.

00:26:03.586 --> 00:26:17.336
If you want to do the five-finger thing again, if there's five words on the page not proper nouns or names there's five words on the page that you can't read, that book's a little too hard for you and you don't want to frustrate yourself.

00:26:17.336 --> 00:26:20.661
But find something you're interested in.

00:26:20.661 --> 00:26:22.943
I mean, if you like cooking, get out a cookbook.

00:26:22.943 --> 00:26:26.067
I always like to take out magazines.

00:26:26.067 --> 00:26:30.936
That's the most recent information on the subject, because a lot of them are monthly.

00:26:30.936 --> 00:26:38.502
You can download magazines from the Hoopla or the Libby and that's a short read.

00:26:39.044 --> 00:26:40.066
You don't have to finish a book.

00:26:40.066 --> 00:26:42.098
Get yourself a book and read a couple pages, you're done.

00:26:42.098 --> 00:26:42.961
You don't have to finish it.

00:26:42.961 --> 00:26:44.967
The book doesn't care if you don't read it in a day.

00:26:44.967 --> 00:26:47.741
If you don't like it, the book is not going to get insulted.

00:26:47.741 --> 00:26:49.165
If you don't like it, bring it back.

00:26:49.165 --> 00:26:49.836
We've got more.

00:26:49.836 --> 00:26:56.498
Just keep trying, and last summer we gave out little booklets.

00:26:56.498 --> 00:26:59.619
If there's words that you don't understand, write them down.

00:26:59.619 --> 00:27:07.285
There's still words that I don't, that I'm like, okay, I don't even know what that means, so you write it down, you find out what it means and that might make your story better.

00:27:07.285 --> 00:27:11.267
And not everybody knows everything and every book is not for everybody.

00:27:11.267 --> 00:27:15.569
So if everybody's reading the greatest, greatest thing, it might not be great for you.

00:27:15.569 --> 00:27:17.211
You just got to find what works.

00:27:17.211 --> 00:27:22.361
You can always ask the librarian, ask your friends, Ask your teacher.

00:27:22.361 --> 00:27:23.384
What have you been reading?

00:27:23.384 --> 00:27:25.441
Just browse through things.

00:27:25.974 --> 00:27:50.121
Well, I want to thank you the most willingness and the rest of the Natasha Library because you've been helpful to get this event and hopefully the start of a bunch of different episodes this event and hopefully the start of a bunch of different episodes here at the library and I know how much Lucy loves the library and it has a lot to do with you.

00:27:51.097 --> 00:27:52.462
Oh, that's nice to hear.

00:27:52.462 --> 00:27:54.981
Next time she gets to pick a book.

00:27:55.520 --> 00:27:56.355
Next time she'll get to pick a book.

00:27:56.394 --> 00:27:57.596
Very, very excited.

00:27:58.675 --> 00:27:59.416
I bet you are.

00:27:59.416 --> 00:28:01.397
But, before we go.

00:28:01.397 --> 00:28:05.820
Lucy, why don't you tell the listeners how they can get the book if they want to buy it?

00:28:05.820 --> 00:28:11.545
They can buy the book at the local children's bookstore, or they can go to our show notes where we have a link.

00:28:11.545 --> 00:28:14.826
Also, you can help our podcast by giving it a five-star review.

00:28:14.826 --> 00:28:17.087
And why don't you tell the listeners how they can get in touch with?

00:28:17.208 --> 00:28:19.130
you To submit your theories and feedback.

00:28:19.130 --> 00:28:22.011
Email us at daddydaughterbookworms at gmailcom.

00:28:22.692 --> 00:28:27.892
Also, if you're on Instagram, you can go to Daddy Daughter Worms or Twitter on DD Bookworms.

00:28:28.255 --> 00:28:31.218
And don't forget to subscribe to our.

00:28:31.218 --> 00:28:33.260
Youtube channel Daddy Daughter Bookworms.

00:28:33.555 --> 00:28:38.146
Well folks, I just want to thank everybody for taking the time to listen to our show.

00:28:38.146 --> 00:28:42.686
It is National Library Week, which is April 7th through 13th.

00:28:42.686 --> 00:28:50.163
I know the Touch of Library is going to be doing a big raffle and I know you guys always have something going on.

00:28:50.163 --> 00:28:56.365
You have a full schedule and the best thing about the library is you can make out a book rating rate.

00:28:57.194 --> 00:29:01.207
And we're having a fine forgiveness week during National Library Month too, oh, what's that.

00:29:01.207 --> 00:29:16.226
So if you have some book fines, come in and we'll erase your fines, not for destroyed books or something like that, but if you have overdue fees, if you're overdue fees and somebody in the audience is very happy about that.

00:29:16.394 --> 00:29:19.224
I feel like that is's very happy about that and I think that is more happy about that.

00:29:19.375 --> 00:29:27.321
So yeah, if you got that DVD that you forgot to bring back for a weekend, wrapped up to $7 worth of fines, come in, we'll erase it for you.

00:29:28.376 --> 00:29:36.565
Well, thank you so much again, linus, and I just want to say it has been so much fun doing this in person.

00:29:36.565 --> 00:29:38.902
Thanks for having me on my friends.

00:29:38.902 --> 00:29:43.826
Well, I'm so glad that the tens of people that I've saved will show up today.

00:29:43.826 --> 00:29:46.741
It's really fun.

00:29:46.741 --> 00:29:52.661
We get to kind of share something live, and thank you for listening to our show.

00:29:52.661 --> 00:29:54.025
My name is Alex.

00:29:54.085 --> 00:29:56.938
And I'm Lucy and see you soon, bookworms.